Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Planning and Institutions (EAFM)

FISHCRRM Sub-component 1.1: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Planning and Institutions

FishCRRM Subcomponent 1.1 will support FMA institutional setup, FMA FP development, and the formulation and implementation of the FMPs for priority fish stocks in FMAs 6 & 9 through technical studies, and stakeholder consultations. Implementation of the FMPs will be reviewed annually, and a formal evaluation against their objectives and indicators will be conducted to facilitate adaptive management. Furthermore, 1.1 will also support climate-smart RDE services and the development and implementation of IEC strategies to ensure stakeholder buy-in for the FMA objectives and approaches.

Specific targets under this sub-component includes:

  • Development of FMA-wide framework plan (FMPs, and related monitoring, control, and surveillance strategy).
  • Institutional set-up and capacity-building for FMAs
  • Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system to support adaptive fisheries management..